My only female lecturer right now. She really looks like her or maybe the other way round. But seriously o_o this lecturer really reminds me of her. I was like staring at her the whole lecture session and i think she noticed. Oh and in case you are wondering, she's drawing a stomach @_@ (Nice drawing huh =P)
Then after lecture, i went to the library luh~ (anyone out there~ Yuuhuuu~~ you can find me there if you want =P) Yeap, alone. Guo Yi had to go back early. Actually, he has to go back early most of the time. Transportation issues. So... i was listening to music on my mp3 ; looking out the window watching people walking towards the parking lot (mostly couple wth)
OKAY!!!! Enough with the emo post =|
Iannnnn, arigato ^_^ This thing is really tasty. You know how much i appreciate it! One of it fell into the basin and i still took it up and eat it! (of cuz got wash with water first but the flour around it gone le T_T) See my thumbs up. BIGGGG THUMB =D
Sad case about engineering courses..... Only got 3 girls for my physics lab session. One from china, one malaysian and one more ionno from where. Might be a malaysian too. zzz Okay let's skip this part =)
I brought beanie for a shower the day before xiao yen yen came. Wanna make beanie look clean =P Good la, if not later when ppl get in my car straight away think "eh why chinny's car so smelly" =P Nasib no complaints from them =D
Tada!!! Our so called back-stage passes for BSB's concert =P We left halfway, and went walking around the hotel and start posing for pictures =P Pictures still with ian. La la la~ Gonna get it from him soon. Can't meet up with Tiffany today. So many things to do, so little time.
Last but not least, introducing my blue giant comb =P Ya ya, bring it to uni with me lol Of course it's in my bag. I won't take it out in the lecture hall and start using it okay =P People would laugh at me <_< Unless i am a girl of course =P (Not being sexist here okay!) Oh ya, that's Vanice. Cute hor o_o Okay okay. I'll stop for now. Just finish washing the dishes just now. Thought wanna pose for a pic with that apron LOL But then nvm la. Changed my mind =)
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